Watch Your Mouth: Hidden Brain Podcast

Podcasts are not only a great way to enjoy a car ride with friends, make a task like cleaning the kitchen more bearable, and help pass a long bus ride. They are also a great way to learn English!

There are hundreds of great podcasts out there, but when we heard Hidden Brain’s podcast, Watch Your Mouth, we had to share it! This podcast is about whether the structure of languages we speak can change how we see the world, and “how the constantly evolving nature of languages can give us different ways of understanding ourselves as well as the world we live in.” The transcript of this episode is great read too!

A favorite quote from this podcast is, “If you're bilingual or you're learning a new language, you get what Jennifer experienced - the joy of discovering a phrase that helps you perfectly encapsulate a feeling or an experience. The phrase brings an entire world with it - its context, its flavor, its culture. Today, we explore the many facets of this idea. Languages are not just tools to describe the world. They are ways of seeing the world.

We hope that you enjoy this interesting podcast! If you’re looking for more podcasts suggestions to help you learn English, FluentU has a great list to get you started.


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