We all know COVID-19 at this point, but many of us are still unsure how to write it!

First of all, COVID stands for Corona (CO) Virus (VI) Disease (D). The 19 indicates the year that this virus was discovered, 2019.

An important distinction is that coronavirus is a type of virus—there are many coronaviruses—but the disease currently spreading is referred to as COVID-19.

But what about capitalization? Should you write COVID in uppercase or lowercase letters? This depends who you ask! The Modern Language Association (MLA), an important style authority, recommends all capital letters, COVID-19. The Associated Press agrees. However, in some newspapers, like the New York Times and The Guardian, you will find only the C capitalized: Covid-19. The New Yorker loves to be difficult about matters of style, and their preference is for small caps: ᴄᴏᴠɪᴅ-19.

Note that the word “coronavirus” is generally not capitalized.